Lucas Scott, the cute star of One Tree Hill, Season one!
Lucas, the son of Karen Roe and Dan Scott, Lucas grew up without a father, as Dan had left the two to marry another woman, Deb Lee, the mother of his half-brother, Nathan. However, the role of the father in his life was mostly played by his kind uncle, Keith Scott, who liked Karen a lot. He was raised in Tree Hill, North Carolina, where he met his best friend, Haley James.
In season one, Coach Whitey Durham pulled Lucas into the school's basketball team, as he thought he was a really good basketballer. Nathan, his half-brother and captain of the b
asketball team seemed to be threatened by the arrival of Lucas in the team and decided to give him a real hard time.

Lucas fistly became attracted to Peyton Sawyer, Nathan's ex-girlfriend. After she broke up with Nathan, she had a fling with Lucas, but immediately cut it off, fearing that they were going too fast, this forcing Lucas to get with Brooke Davis instead, Brooke being Peyton's best friend. However, Peyton realized that she made a mistake, and really wanted Lucas for herself. On a night at a motel, Peyton kissed Lucas, and he agreed to be with her behind Brooke's back. However, Peyton could not keep it from Brooke so she deicded she was going to tell her, instead on the night of her confrontation Lucas got into a car accident with Keith. It was Dan who helped save Lucas, this being the first time he called his son. Coming from a coma, Lucas awakens to see that Brooke had still no idea about Peyton and him but had been caring for him the whole time him being in a coma, Brooke then finds out and Peyton and her get into a huge fight. This caused him to become careless with himself, ending up with a one night stand with a girl from a bar. When Peyton found out about this, she cut her ties with Lucas, who decided to leave town for a change.

OMG someones desperate!!!